by blancafa | Nov 7, 2016 | News, This week in the lab
This past Halloween, we spent part of our day coming in and out of the break room to paint a mural! We traced the image with the projector, painted on the tables, and mounted it on the wall. Meanwhile, Stephen also finished a successful sequencing run… ...
by blancafa | Oct 24, 2016 | This week in the lab
Stephen and Tara visited Washington D.C. over the weekend and snapped this magazine cover-worthy picture. Whiteson quarterly coming soon.
by blancafa | Oct 10, 2016 | This week in the lab
The Whiteson Lab spider infests the lab for Halloween… …with thanks to Stephen.
by blancafa | Oct 4, 2016 | Bioinformatics_protips
iTerm2 is a terminal editor that replaces OSX’s default terminal application. If you find yourself using the terminal daily, it’s a good time to switch – even just the basic features iTerm2 offers makes the installation worth it. Here, I’ll...
by blancafa | Oct 3, 2016 | This week in the lab
Sequencing library preparation of metagenomic DNA from rat cecum. using Illumina’s Nextera kit scaled down as shown by Lamble 2013 and Baym 2015. Via Stephen.